Departures board from Rimini Viserba station
Check the next trains leaving from Rimini Viserba station. Last update today, Sat 10 Aug at 16:33.
Check the next trains leaving from Rimini Viserba station. Last update today, Sat 10 Aug at 16:33.
Check the next trains arriving to Rimini Viserba station. Last update today, Sat 10 Aug at 16:33.
Rimini Viserba stations is located in Rimini Viserba 47922 Rimini in Rimini, Italy. On Wanderio you can get all train schedules to Rimini Viserba and book your train tickets online. Every day around 15 trains pass through the Rimini Viserba station. Among the trains arriving or leaving from Rimini there are Trenitalia trains with its Regionale. With Wanderio you can compare Trenitalia timetables and offers to Rimini Viserba in a simple and fast way. Discover the destinations you can get to leaving from Rimini Viserba and book your tickets at the best price.
On this page you can find every information and train schedule for departures and arrivals from and to Rimini Viserba in real time: check the departure and arrival boards and find your connecting trains from and to Rimini.