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Trains from Málaga to Valencia

Find prices and schedules for trains from Málaga to Valencia and buy your train tickets


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from Málaga to Valencia

Next trains leaving today, Fri 31 May

Málaga Maria Zambrano
4h33 · Direct
Valencia Joaquin Sorolla

Trains Málaga Valencia

About 5 hours and tickets from 37 €: a train journey from Málaga a Valencia is cheap and comfortable. You can count on 1 daily rides to get from Málaga to Valencia: trains leave every about 12 hours on average. Trains leave from Málaga Maria Zambrano and arrive at Valencia Joaquin Sorolla. The railway company you will travel with is Renfe.

Prices and trains schedules from Málaga to Valencia

Málaga Maria Zambrano
4h33 · Direct
Valencia Joaquin Sorolla

Tickets and deals from Málaga to Valencia

A train ticket from Málaga to Valencia costs 37 € on average. On Wanderio you can find the best Renfe deals for your train journey from Málaga to Valencia. The best way to save money on your train trip is booking your tickets a few weeks in advance, so that you can benefit from all the Renfe promotions for the route Málaga - Valencia. Renfe tickets start from 37 €. If you need a train ticket Málaga Valencia this week, prices start from 54 €.

Schedules and duration of a train journey from Málaga to Valencia

Train journeys from Málaga to Valencia take about 5 hours on average. If you travel with Renfe from Málaga to Valencia there are 1 daily connections that will take you to your destination in about 5 hours. On Wanderio you can easily find all train schedules from Málaga to Valencia. The first train from Málaga to Valencia leaves at 09:45. During your trip from Málaga to Valencia you can check the status of your train in real time: on our web pages and in the Wanderio app you will find up-to-date information about train delays, real time timetables and the scheduled platform for each train stop.

Buying your train ticket from Málaga to Valencia

On Wanderio you can easily buy train tickets from Málaga to Valencia. With just one search you will find all train schedules for the day you selected, making it easy to book the option that suits you better. For on-the-go bookings (and to have tickets Málaga to Valencia always at hand) download the free Wanderio App for iOS and Android and follow the real time status for your train Málaga-Valencia, with updates on delays and platforms.

Train deals Málaga - Valencia

Traveling by train is often easier than traveling by bus or flight, especially with high-speed trains, and it's rather cheap, too! Anyways, in order to benefit from Renfe promotions we suggest to book your tickets far in advance. Not sure what’s the best way to get from Valencia to Málaga? On Wanderio you can find alternative ways as well - compare high-speed trains buses, flights and choose the best option with just one click.

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