Next trains leaving today, Tue 1 Dec
Real time trains leaving from Trieste Centrale station
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Best time to book trains from Trieste to Rovereto
TueDec 1
WedDec 2
ThuDec 3
FriDec 4
SatDec 5
SunDec 6
MonDec 7
TueDec 8
WedDec 9
ThuDec 10
FriDec 11
SatDec 12
SunDec 13
MonDec 14
TueDec 15
WedDec 16
ThuDec 17
FriDec 18
SatDec 19
SunDec 20
MonDec 21
TueDec 22
WedDec 23
ThuDec 24
FriDec 25
SatDec 26
SunDec 27
MonDec 28
TueDec 29
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Try for freeTrains Trieste Rovereto
about 4 hours and tickets from 25 €: a train journey from Trieste a Rovereto is cheap and comfortable. You can count on 42 daily rides to get from Trieste to Rovereto: trains leave every 20 minutes on average. Trains leave from Trieste Centrale and arrive at Rovereto. The railway company you will travel with is Trenitalia.