Next trains leaving today, Tue 20 Oct
Real time trains leaving from Potenza Centrale station
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Best time to book trains from Potenza to Melegnano
WedOct 21
ThuOct 22
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SatOct 24
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MonOct 26
TueOct 27
WedOct 28
ThuOct 29
FriOct 30
SatOct 31
SunNov 1
MonNov 2
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WedNov 4
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MonNov 9
TueNov 10
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ThuNov 12
FriNov 13
SatNov 14
SunNov 15
MonNov 16
TueNov 17
WedNov 18
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Try for freeTrains Potenza Melegnano
about 7 hours and tickets from 47 €: a train journey from Potenza a Melegnano is cheap and comfortable. You can count on 27 daily rides to get from Potenza to Melegnano: trains leave every 30 minutes on average. Trains leave from Potenza Superiore and Potenza Centrale and arrive at Melegnano. The railway company you will travel with is Trenitalia.